Want Me to Personalise Your Diet Plan for Dirt Cheap?
60% nutrition + 30% rest + 10% training = Formula for Success. The amount of time that you spend in the gym frails in comparison to the amount of time it takes for your muscles to recover from training itself, as well as the discipline it takes to control what goes into your mouth. That’s why it’s fair to say that your results are going to be determined by what you do outside of the gym rather than in it.
However, if you a dealing with low mood & energy from poor hormonal function, it is impossible to feel like doing the things that lead to weight loss. Emotional eating (which is really just food addiction), cravings for sugar, salt or stodgy carbs, loss of appetite, poor sleep, are all symptoms of hormonal dysregulation that can be corrected through diet & lifestyle.
Although we live in the so called “information age” we are bombarded with contradicting guidelines and misinformation. This is exactly why I would feel absolutely privileged to help you separate the fact from the fiction by tailoring a nutrition plan specific to your needs. I truly urge you to take advantage of this deal now, because I will probably never offer it for so cheap ever again!
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Finding a trainer and nutritionist right for you, who can help separate the fact from the fiction and tailor progressive workouts specific to your own body’s abilities, can be a daunting task. Getting it wrong can waste a lot of time, money and could possibly ruin your relationship with fitness forever.
You’re probably here already because you already know who the right person to help lead you to the promise land of gains is. And since the women I take under my wing increase their chances of success by demonstrable amounts, that person is obviously me.
However, I know that it is not always possible for people to afford my services, which is why I’m giving you my full attention and time for 6 weeks for less than a quarter of my normal rate. This opportunity ends when this offer ends, so don’t miss out! Add me to your order now!
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You will be directed to my calendar to book a coaching call after making payment.