6-Week Womens

Strength Training Plan


  • 3-4 workouts per week tailored specific to your needs
  • Coaching sessions over FaceTime/Zoom/WhatsApp Video
  • Interactive videos that teach variations for all exercises
  • A progressive mobility roadmap for squatting deep to maximise glute strength
  • Physio exercises to get rid of knee, back & shoulder pains
  • A greater knowledge into strength training as a woman
  • More confidence and belief in your abilities
  • Boosted metabolism

Includes complimentary 1-on-1 coaching call to get you started!
(You will be directed to my calendar after making payment).

My name is Tayvis Gabbidon. I have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for a decade and a half, working exclusively with women for the past five years. My passion for uplifting women runs deep, which is why I pride myself on being a go-to source for information on women’s health. In a world full of misinformation and contrasting facts, my aim is to separate the fact from the fiction in order to get you the best results as quickly as possible, without spending hours in the gym destroying yourself. Training hard does not necessarily translate to training smart.

That’s why I have designed six weeks of workouts that will help you develop a healthy relationship with exercise, so that you can fall in love with the gym instead of despising it. Improving your mobility and building strength, which will significantly improve your quality of life, should also be expected. The workouts are challenging enough to get you great gains, but most importantly they will help you go from unfit to fit quicker than you can say, “Sign me up!”

1-on-1 coaching, a nutrition plan and nutrition coaching is also available from myself to help you through the process if needed. Don’t miss the prompts on the next page to take advantage. This is a once in a lifetime offer, so don’t miss out!

Tay’s technique proves that busy people get things done. Before I began his program, I was certain I couldn’t regain my pre-pregnancy fitness or confidence, especially remotely. I had worked with Tay in person in my twenties and a decade later, having moved overseas, I decided to give his virtual training a go. Not only did Tay help me become strong again, he provided me with a modular program I could fit into my day while looking after a baby. He also made time for a check in video call each week, coordinating across multiple time zones to tailor workouts to my needs and provide support and guidance. I trained exclusively at home, followed his nutrition advice to the best of my abilities while caring for a baby and bought minimal equipment. To my complete surprise I didn’t miss a session, I went down a whole dress size, and I felt like me again. I couldn’t recommend Tay highly enough.
-Charlotte Krause

I wanted to write a few words to commemorate training with you and all the amazing and sometimes unexpected benefits I’ve experienced.
From the first time I arrived as a broken woman in your gym, terrified of the limitations of my own body, overweight, in agony with 2 slipped discs in my back, and facing a lifetime of pain, lethargy and self-sabotage…I hardly recognise myself now! Your patience, knowledge, care and support has given me so much more than training…
 I now no longer feel trapped and afraid of my body’s limitations, and can feel / see my potential…I only wish I’d met you sooner!
 I no longer need to get special assistance at the airport…no more wheelchairs as I can lift my own damn case!
 My mental health has improved enormously through training – nature’s therapy!
 My daily energy levels and mental resilience and clarity have shot up due to your nutrition and diet guidance – no more afternoon napping needed (although I do miss it sometimes!) 
 I’ve lost several dress sizes and lots of body fat, and generally feel leaner, stronger, less bloated, more toned and in control of my body rather than it controlling me.
 My balance has improved! Look, we know I’ll never be a ballerina  but having balance problems for years caused by back-related nerve damage & hearing issues affected my confidence in so many things. But now…I got this!
 Your guidance on hormones, supplements, diets, and women’s body changes has been more useful than any doctor or research before.
 And not forgetting the most incredible achievement for me in the gym…I’m lifting weights! Proper weights in the correct way that you’ve taught me, so we’ve slowly built up strength around my back issues, meaning there’s no worry of injury. From the first time you put that bar on the floor and I said ‘Nope, that’s not gonna happen’, to now actually enjoying lifting so much I’m setting myself a big goal….50kg when I’m 50!! 
 I’m able to accept that I’m worthy of love and good luck, because I’ve finally learned to love myself, so I have a more positive and less toxic circle of people in my life now, I’m finally happy in my personal life, and am able to distance myself from negativity more easily.
 My appetite and what I choose to put into my body is within my control, with no more excuses! Unexpectedly, this has also led to me being strong willed enough to drastically reduce smoking as well as binge-eating…I didn’t realise that the mindset you’ve helped me gain through training would have such an impact on other areas of life too!
 It goes without saying that I feel foxier than ever, confidently sauntering around in swimsuits on holiday and in all kinds of fabulous dresses and playsuits now, and I’m gonna slide into my next decade feeling fabulous, fiery, resilient and as a woman in control of her life and body! And wearing age-inappropriate outfits to go out dancing for many years to come! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️⚡
-Marie Jones