Back at you with some ankle stretches & drills to improve your function ability.
Poor flexibility of the ankle can thwart your gains from squats, so it’s an issue that should be addressed, especially if you are new to training. Squatting deep engages glutes, which are probably the most important core muscles. Yes, they are a part of the legs group, but they are also the base of the core, because of the way that they support the pelvis and lower back. Knee problems are 90% of the time either foot, or hip (glutes) related. These drills will help improve, not only, your ankle mobility, but also your overall bio-mechanics from the bottom up.
Included are…
– Calf & Achilles Stretches
– Tibialis Anterior Stretch
– Foam Rolling the Calf and Achilles
– Foam/Ball Rolling Tibialis Anterior
Experiencing a swivel, or swerve, caused by a muscular imbalance in the hips, is a common issue that can affect the rhythm of your squats and risk injury. The root of the problem is normally tight hip flexors (mainly the iliopsoas muscles), adductors, abductors, a weak gluteus muscle, or a combination of several of the above. Therefore it is also wise to incorporate stretches that target those muscles along with single leg exercises, such as Bulgarian squats, lunges, box step ups, etc.
In this video, I will give you a cool training hack that can be used during squats to help correct the problem, but before getting to this point I recommend going through a few weeks of glute activation to make sure that you are able to squat with proper form using full range of motion.
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