by Tay Gabbidon | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog, Nutrition, Science

Cancer causing chemical estrogen will seriously thwart your gains and cause a number of other unwanted symptoms.
Side Effects:
- migraines
- impotency
- decreased libido
- obesity
- infertility
- breast cancer
- prostate cancer
- ovarian cysts
- testicular cancer
- gynaecomastia (man boobs)
- and more…
There are two types of xenoestrogens AKA chemical estrogens – synthetic and natural.
Synthetic Chemical Estrogen
Synthetic chemical estrogen is found in PCBs, BPA and phthalates. Avoid plastic bottles and containers (unless BPA free), chemical cleaning products, receipts, chemical personal care products (containing DBP, DEP, DEHP, BzBP and DMP), chemical scented candles, plastic bags and do not use plastic in microwaves. Look for beauty products that contain no parabens, phthalates or sulphates.
Natural Sources of Chemical Estrogen
Natural sources are called phytoestrogens and are derived from plants. Things to avoid are soy products, chick peas, red beans, black eyed peas, black beans, flax and non-organic food products.
For help coming to grips with your nutrition book a complimentary consultation here:
by Tay Gabbidon | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog
This is sugar (optional) & dairy free and high in protein!
50g (½ cup approx) quinoa
200ml (¾ cup approx) coconut milk
50ml (about a ¼ cup) water
5 pitted dates
Sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)
Fresh berries (optional)
Rinse quinoa thoroughly using an extra fine sieve. This removes any of the natural soapy, saponins that sometimes coat quinoa.
Chop dates into small pieces and then add all ingredients to a pan (apart from the cinnamon or berries, which will be added once served).
Bring pan to the boil and simmer on a low heat for 25 minutes (or until the quinoa has absorbed all of the liquid). Stir once in a while with a wooden spoon. The dates should slowly fall apart melting into the pan to create a delicious sweetness. If the dates are particularly tough, then encourage the breaking down process by pressing them down with your spoon.
Once cooked enjoy your quinoa bowl served hot or cold, adding a sprinkle of cinnamon and/or a small handful of fresh berries.
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