Floor Hip Thrusters

Floor Hip Thrusters


Floor Hip Thrusters

Use this exercise to build strong glutes. Be sure to keep the bar across the bony part of your pelvis to ensure that you are pushing through the hips. Hold and squeeze glutes are at the top. Try not to rest on the floor in between reps.

Butterfly Hip Thrusters

I highly recommend this exercise whether you are male, female, young, or old!

The focus is on gluteus medius, which is responsible for abducting the leg while rotating the humerus outwards (i.e. – pulling the leg away from the body). This will stabilise the hips and knees during big movements such as squats and dead lifts.

One of the main benefits is that the muscles in the hip flexor and adductor areas (in the groin area and inner thighs) will be stretched while the glutes tighten, which will help realign the pelvis into a more ideal position. If bootybuilding is what you are in need of then this move is a necessity!

I have used this exercise on clients for years and, along with a few other movements, have seen it turn flat bums into perky, round ones.


Tay Gabbidon – Personal Trainer & Nutrition Therapist – Oxford, England