Cable Hip Thrusters

Cable Hip Thrusters


A variation of the traditional Hip Thrusters with a barbell, Cable Hip Thrusters keep the gluteus muscles under tension during the entire movement. Some people have a tendency to pull with the arms, but in order to perform properly, your arms should remain stiff while your hips thrust through your forearms.

Main Muscles Worked:

Gluteus Maximus
Jefferson Squat

Jefferson Squat



Adding another dimension to squats! This one is unique because, in comparison to back squats, the resistance is below you. Not everyone is designed to squat with a bar on their back, so this is a great way to get them in!



Floor Hip Thrusters

Floor Hip Thrusters


Floor Hip Thrusters

Use this exercise to build strong glutes. Be sure to keep the bar across the bony part of your pelvis to ensure that you are pushing through the hips. Hold and squeeze glutes are at the top. Try not to rest on the floor in between reps.

Back-Side Split Squats

Back-Side Split Squats



Side split squats are probably one of the most overlooked exercises on the gym floor and without good reason.

Pretty much all squats work in the sagittal plane. Split squats are the only ones that [I know of that] work in the frontal, which means that it has the potential to improve mobility and unlock new muscle fibers.

They work wonders for building strength in the gluteus muscles. As long as you are getting your legs down to a 90° angle you will be hitting gluteus maximus – the largest in the group. Squatting with all of your weight on one leg, with knees outside of your hip width, will bring gluteus medius into the movement. Gluteus medius is meant to stabilise the hips and knees.

Side split squats are also great for correcting hip imbalances that may occur when performing normal squats, which is something that is very common. A few weeks on these babies and problem solved (in most cases).

More than enough reasons to work side split squats into your leg routines!
