Turkish Get-Up

Banded Double Crunch

Home Workout for Core
A brief understanding…
The Immortal Training approach to training the abdominal group is always functional. That means that we aren’t going to waste our time focusing on a bunch of small movements like crunches and sit-ups. And if we do include any of those exercises they will be tweaked in a way as to engage the core correctly. Working together, the core muscles’ main job is to anchor and balance the body, in most cases, while the bigger muscles work. You may notice that when you go to perform a dead lift, bracing your abs is the first thing that happens. This is an example of how the core works – typically, never alone.
Here’s what you need…
- Kettle Bell or Home Made Kettle Bell (see video)
- Resistance Bands
Watch the video below to for instructions on how to perform each exercise.
Go here for my recommended warm-ups: https://youtu.be/JFdvISOXmY4
- Turkish Get-Up – 4-5 reps on each side
- Banded Double Crunch or Double Crunch – 8-10 reps
- Climbing Plank – 8-10 reps
- 1-2 min rest
- 3-5 sets
- Fighter Pilot Sit-Up – 8-10 reps on each side
- Starfish Plank – 6-8 reps on each side
- Swim Kicks – 10-20 reps on each side
- 1-2 min rest
- 3-5 sets
- Resistance Band Wood Chop – 10-12 reps on each side
- V Toe Touches – 8-10 reps on each side
- Hip Raises – 8-10 reps
- 1-2 min rest
- 3-5 sets
You can also try this home workout for legs!: https://immortal-training.com/home-workout-for-legs/

Cleans – How to Perform
How to perform cleans… Pound for pound, cleans are one of the most effective exercises for building full body strength. If you are looking to maximise the amount of body fat burnt per repetition then this movement is also for you. You can also add the overhead press (using legs to assist) to up the ante, and you will burn even more fat and build more strength.
Executing cleans is 90% technique and 10% actual strength. The more sound your mastery of the intricate parts of this movement then more weight you will be able to lift.
Main Muscles: Full Body
Key Points:
– Grab the bar outside of shoulder width with your feet just inside and toes slightly turned outwards
– Keep your ass out, lower back concaved and core tight
– Drive your feet through the floor and thrust your hips forward in an explosive manner
– Get your elbows up and under the bar as quickly as possible while bending your knees to drop down yourself underneath the bar
– Avoid leaning backwards in order to protect your lower back (push your bum out and keep your heels flat so that your glutes take the load)

Overhead Sit-Up (Core Strength)
Core strength is best built whilst balancing a weight in an overhead position. In this case with a barbell. Exploding upwards from the floor as to defy gravity with this movement improves the transition of strength into power.
Muscles Focused: Abdominals
Key Points:
– Lay flat on the floor with your knees bent
– Take a wide grip on the barbell (outside of shoulders width) with your elbows locked out
– Drive your lower back into the floor using your core strength to explode upwards whilst keeping your arms locked with the bar above your head
– Keep your chest high
Try these variations!:
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