Foam Roller Spinal Stretch

Foam Roller Spinal Stretch



Posture correction cannot be accomplished without constantly stretching the spine back into position. The foam roller works great for this.

Foam roller stretches for the spine will help correct the effects of our everyday lifestyles, which can easily lead to a poor posture. Working at a desk, texting on mobile phones, cycling, driving, etc. are tasks that require us to become more hunched over, putting more and more pressure on the spine as the shoulder girdle becomes victimised by gravitational pull. This will lead to lower back pain, upper back pain, knee pain, migraines, restricted nerves, kyphosis, lordosis, and a long list of other biomechanical problems. The only cure is to strengthen the postural muscles while simultaneously stretching the opposing ones (chest, abs, hip flexors, etc.).

To perform the above stretch, lie on the foam roller so that it is just above the center of your spine (just below the bottom corners of your shoulder blades). Your backside should be on the floor, knees together and feet flat. Try to wrap yourself around the roller while you reach overhead. Relax and let gravity pull your hands towards the floor. If you experience any clicks or cracks in the shoulders, or spine, don’t panic, as it is perfectly normal.

If your range of movement is poor you will find it quite painful and you won’t be able to get your head to the floor. If that is the case expect to feel an uncomfortable pressure on your throat. You can roll up a towel, cushion, or use a yoga block to rest the back of your head on in order to relieve the pressure. Decrease the height of head support slowly over time and you should eventually be able to wrap yourself around it completely.

Foam rollers are great for rolling your muscles. Rolling helps release the fascia around the muscles, but is NOT to be used in the same manner on the spine. Only use it for stretching.

-Tayvis Gabbidon


Dynamic Stretches for Upper Body

Dynamic Stretches for Upper Body


Dynamic stretching, as opposed to static, is always the best option before training. During exercise you are not likely to stretch the muscle as far as it can go and hold (excluding a few gymnastics and martial arts movements), so it doesn’t make sense to do any such thing when preparing them for a workout.

Exercise typically involves a rapid and repetitive stretching and contracting of muscles. That is the key behind dynamic stretching. You should use light weights to dynamically stretch and contract the muscles using movements similar to those that make up your exercise routine. This will also warm the muscles up.

Be sure to use light weights. For the stretches in the above video I recommend the following:

Men – 2kg/5lbs

Women – 1kg/2.5lbs

Complete 10-12 explosive reps of each movement and your chest, back, shoulders, triceps and biceps will be ready for action!

– Tayvis Gabbidon


Resistance Band Exercises for Improving Posture

Resistance Band Exercises for Improving Posture


Here is a cool lil’ circuit for posture that can be done with a resistance band. These movements are designed to help realign the scapulae into a more optimal position, lift the shoulder girdle and promote a healthy position of the spinal column (more specifically the upper spine). In a nutshell, this circuit will help correct a hunched back.


-Tayvis Gabbidon

The Absolute Best Shoulder Exercises!

The Absolute Best Shoulder Exercises!


The Absolute Best Shoulders Exercises

Working in a solid shoulders routine at least once per week, is absolutely necessary when it comes to creating a muscular and/or curvy physique.

In the gym, the goal for most men is to build a defined, masculine v-shape, whereas women are normally seeking a sexy & feminine hour glass shape. The idea is that sculpting your upper and lower body, while keeping your waistline as slim as possible through diet and fat burning exercise, is the most effective way of doing so. Women and men can achieve their body transformation goals most effectively by following the same exact movements and training plans, regardless of gender, so the advice given in the above video applies to all.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching any of my previous gym tutorials then you’ll soon understand that I like to use a lot more variation than most personal trainers when it comes to exercises. Yeah, shoulder presses are essential and should be part of your foundation gym moves, but they can get boring, and you can find hundreds of shoulder videos that recommend the same ol’ exercises if that is what you prefer!

My nature is to question everything in order to understand it and possibly make it better.

And so, I give you the absolute BEST shoulder exercises around… according to Tay.G!…

Be sure to keep an eye on this this blog section for more of my Absolute Best Exercises videos. I will be covering every muscle group in this series. Next up, we have legs and an awesome Bootybuilding video that you do NOT want to miss!


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Supplement Stack Review 1-2

Supplement Stack Review 1-2



Check out the first video to hear about the supps that I’ve chosen and why:

All natural, no steroids! No illegal products!

This one covers my diet and has a couple of taste reviews at the end for the protein and BCAAs.

My stack for August consists of Alchemy by Hydrapharm, ZMA by Hydrapharm, Predator Whey, Predator BCAAs and chromium. This video explains why I chose these supps and what I intend to achieve.

Keep it locked! Please like and subscribe for more content!
