Single Arm Bent Over DB Row with Resistance Band

Single Arm Bent Over DB Row with Resistance Band


For this rowing exercise you should use a weight that is about 20% lighter than your usual. The resistance band will create a resistance double whammy – forcing you to fight against more than just gravity.

Main Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoids, Biceps

Key Points:

– Attach the resistance band to a stable apparatus, such as a squat rack or cable machine

– Keep your chest high, ass out and back straight

– Wrap the band around the handle of the dumbbell and keep ahold of it with your hand while rowing

– Row towards your waist

– Use full range of motion

Bent Over Resistance Band Row

Bent Over Resistance Band Row

The benefit of rowing with a resistance band rather than barbells or dumbbells that demand a steady level of resistance throughout the repetition, is the change in stimuli, which is caused by an increase in resistance as the band stretches further.

Main Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Rear Deltoids

Key Points:
– Keep your back straight, ass out and core tight
– You should be bent over approximately 15°
– Row towards your waist
– Use a slow, controlled movement when extending your arms
– Use full range of motion

Resistance Band Dead Lift

Resistance Band Dead Lift

Resistance bands give us the opportunity to train anywhere and this video will teach you how to dead lift in a place as inconvenient as… I dunno… your hotel room?…

Main Muscles: Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Latissimus Dorsi

Key Points:
– Keep your back straight, ass out and chest high
– The band should be under the arches of your feet
– Drive your feet through the floor and thrust your hips forward when exploding upwards
– Use a slow, controlled movement on the descent
– Use full range of motion


Supine Row (TRX)

Supine Row (TRX)

Using TRX bands to row will help you build strength in your lat muscles, which are the ones that give the upper body it’s v-shape.
Main Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoids, Biceps
Key Points:
– Keep your back straight & core tight
– Begin with your body as parallel with the floor as possible
– Keep your hips high throughout the entire set
– Row towards your wait and use full range of motion
Superman Press

Superman Press


A variation of the standard superman…

… the superman press will kick those stubborn postural muscles into action!

You should be able to feel the kinetic chain working from your gluteus all the way up to your trapezius muscles. Be sure that your thumbs are facing upwards and that you are lifting everything off of the floor – chest, arms, thighs, everything! Use this exercise along with others that will strengthen your upper back/rear shoulders in order to correct issues like kyphosis, lordosis and a poor posture.