Jumping Split Squats

Jumping Split Squats

Jumping squats are one of the most effective ways to unlock fast-twitch muscle fibers and create explosive power in the legs. Best worked in at the end of a legs sessions as your very last exercise.

Targeted Muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Key Points:

  • Keep your chest high, back straight & core tight
  • Take a split stance
  • Squat down until your back knee touches the floor and then jump as high as you can
  • Land gently – be soft on your joints
  • Hold dumbbells by your sides to advance



Try the beginners version here: https://immortal-training.com/elevated-db-split-squat-2/

Ballistic Jump Squats

Ballistic Jump Squats



Use ballistic jump squats to build explosive power in the lower body, or as a bootybuilding technique to build amazing glutes! 👌🏾😉

Targeted Muscles:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps

Key Points:

  • Keep your chest high, back straight & core tight
  • Feet should be just outside of shoulder width
  • Squat ass-to-the-grass, bounce a quarter of a repetition three times, jumping as high as you can on the third
  • Use full power on each jump squat
  • Land softly



Learn about the benefits of jump squats here: https://www.yourworkoutbook.com/squat-jumps/

Try this variation!: https://immortal-training.com/box-jumps/

Plyometric Single Leg Split Squat

Plyometric Single Leg Split Squat

For an extensive understanding of muscle fiber activation go here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21912291/

Sprinters, wrestlers, high jumpers, footballers, football players, basketball players, martial artists, rugby players… hit this up! You can increase leg power quickly with this exercise.

To add to the key points…

It is important to recognise when you are losing power during each set. You don’t want to push yourself to extreme fatigue. If you do you will be defeating the purpose. Staying in the anaerobic system, so that you are only recruiting fast-twitch muscle fibres is a must!

To effectively work this into a routine, save it for the very end and never do more than 8 reps (as for any power exercise). Using extra resistance isn’t necessary, but if you do, use very little, and make sure that you don’t hit muscle failure!

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Tay Gabbidon
Personal Trainer & Nutrition Therapist
Oxford, England