Oxford Personal Trainer Explains Skipping Leg Day

Oxford Personal Trainer Explains Skipping Leg Day


Oxford Personal Trainer should not be a title that limits my experience to one place specifically. I have pumped iron in many gyms across the world and I can tell you that chicken-legged-lobster men (lol) can be found in all of them!

The above video will break down the biggest benefits that come from training legs, but there are countless others. Since your nerdy ass is actually reading this instead of just watching the video 🙄, it is worth mentioning some of them.

For one, developed legs are absolutely necessary for achieving that male v-shape, or female hour glass shape that we all desire so much (some a lot more than others lol). To be frank, there is no such thing as a male, female, trans, gay, bi, or lesbian (politics nowadays smh) exercise. Sculpting the human body requires the same approach to exercise regardless of your age, sex, gender, race, etc.

I will also take the time to mention the obvious fact that your day to day life will become easier. Walking up stairs, carrying boxes, chasing a bus, eliminating lower back pain, etc. – just about every physically demanding task and discernment is greatly approved by lower body training.

Look better, feel better and improve your quality of life. What else is left to talk about?



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Plyometric/Power Exercises

Plyometric/Power Exercises




Load-to-explode box jumps are not only extremely effective for increasing your vertical jump and leg power, but also for transforming and/or developing fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are needed in order to maximize muscle mass. Ladies, if you’re looking for some top secret bootybuilding shizzle then like and follow. No questions assed.

Up until the late 20th century, the vast majority of documented research into muscles and movement was done in a static environment using cadavers. Apparently, people had no common sense back then lol. Nowadays, we have a much better understanding of how the body works. Before any contraction there is an eccentric loading of the muscle that can be seen when bending your knees to jump, or when twisting your body left to swing a tending racket to your right.

Dropping from an elevated surface and then jumping, increases the load on the muscles in comparison to jumping straight up from the floor. The increased eccentric load will cause the muscles to explode with a bigger bang, which will increase your vertical jump.

Personally, I train legs for power (not strength), mass, functional ability and mobility. Power has helped increase mass, but never the other way around. On the flip side, power DOES increase strength and speed. However you can easily reverse the effects by not performing the exercises properly.

To prevent LOSING power, (1) NEVER use a weight heavy enough to turn the movement into a static one instead of an explosive one (keep it light); (2) NEVER do more than 8 repetitions per set, or continue a set once the explosiveness of your muscles has died out (whichever comes first); (3) rest for at least 90 seconds; and (4) only work power exercises into the very end of your program (the last one, or two exercises).



Bootybuilding – How to Build an Amazing Glutes – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)

Bootybuilding – How to Build an Amazing Glutes – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)


Bootybuilding – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)

Looking to put some “junk in your trunk”, or blast past your personal best in squats? You’ve come to the right place!


Poor genetics is not the major cause of a “flat bottom”. It is MOSTLY (believe it, or not) the result of an unfavorable position of the pelvis and spine. I have yet to find a human being that hasn’t been crippled by an irreversible accident that has not been capable of building a nice, round ass.

Please refer to my previous video where we use a simple squat test in order to observe the glutes:

Glutes Activation Test (Bootybuilding)

If dominant quadriceps is a problem for you then this will give you a push in the right direction.

Just to reiterate my previous post…

If you don’t use your glutes on a regular basis then they are likely to be asleep. If you sit down for most of the day this is more than likely to be the case.

Nonactivated glutes can cause hip & knee problems, foot problems, upper & lower back pain, migraines, kyphosis, misalignment of the pelvis, a “flat bottom,” etc., so don’t think of this as something that is only for people that train. If you have any of the aforementioned problems it is probably because you DON’T train.

If you DO train and have wondered why you can’t squat properly then sorting your glutes out will improve everything from squats to bench presses, so it is definitely worth some attention!

If you have any further questions feel free to comment, or inbox me for more confidentiality, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Tay Gabbidon
Personal Trainer & Nutrition Therapist
Oxford, England