Stand-on-the-Band DB Goblet Squat

Stand-on-the-Band DB Goblet Squat

This is a cool lil’ hack for goblet squats! If you’re training at home with minimal equipment and find it difficult to increase your resistance when squatting, then here’s a nifty way around it.


If you’ve been training for at least a few months at least and have advance past the functional stage, then this is for you.


  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps


  • Loop the band around your feet, so that you are standing on it
  • The dumbbell should be under both straps of the resistance band
  • Squat down, and twist the dumbbell into a goblet position in front of your chest, in order to get into the starting position
  • Keep your chest high, back straight & core tight
  • Squat ass-to-the-grass, using full range of motion
  • Drive your heels through the floor when ascending


Overhead Squats in Resistance Band

Overhead Squats in Resistance Band


Doing squats with a resistance band engages the muscles differently than with weights in the sense that the band produces more resistance as it continues stretch. With weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, the resistance remains the same throughout the repetition because you only have to work against gravity.

Targeted Muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings. Quadriceps

Key Points:

  • Keep your back arched, feet flat and core tight
  • Stand on the band so that it is under both of your heels
  • Hold the band overhead with a wide grip – outside of shoulder width
  • Squat ass-to-the-grass using full range of motion
  • Drive your heels through the floor to ascend