Box Squat Resistance Band Press
The video below explains how to correctly perform and advance the box squat, so that you can eventually squat with perfect form.
Beginners who lack the ideal bio-mechanics for squatting ass-to-the-grass. This could be down to poor glute activation, tight hip flexors, tight hamstrings, bad posture, other issues, or a combination of several factors. To find out more about your overall bio-mechanics you should take part in this mobility test first: https://immortal-training.com/overhead-squat-test/
Box Squats will enable you to slowly increase your squat depth over time without a high risk of injury. The movement can also trick the brain into aligning the pelvis and lumbar into the correct position during your descent. Something about having a target to aim your posterior towards makes this possible. Over time your neurological motor map will change. Thus retraining not only your body, but also your mind, to squat safely and correctly.
Main Muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
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Doing squats with a resistance band engages the muscles differently than with weights in the sense that the band produces more resistance as it continues stretch. With weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, the resistance remains the same throughout the repetition because you only have to work against gravity.
Targeted Muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings. Quadriceps
Key Points:
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