Ballistic Jump Squats

Ballistic Jump Squats



Use ballistic jump squats to build explosive power in the lower body, or as a bootybuilding technique to build amazing glutes! 👌🏾😉

Targeted Muscles:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps

Key Points:

  • Keep your chest high, back straight & core tight
  • Feet should be just outside of shoulder width
  • Squat ass-to-the-grass, bounce a quarter of a repetition three times, jumping as high as you can on the third
  • Use full power on each jump squat
  • Land softly



Learn about the benefits of jump squats here:

Try this variation!:

Correcting a “Swerve” Caused by Hip Imbalance During Squats

Correcting a “Swerve” Caused by Hip Imbalance During Squats

Correcting Hip Swerve During Squats

Experiencing a swivel, or swerve, caused by a muscular imbalance in the hips, is a common issue that can affect the rhythm of your squats and risk injury. The root of the problem is normally tight hip flexors (mainly the iliopsoas muscles), adductors, abductors, a weak gluteus muscle, or a combination of several of the above. Therefore it is also wise to incorporate stretches that target those muscles along with single leg exercises, such as Bulgarian squats, lunges, box step ups, etc.

In this video, I will give you a cool training hack that can be used during squats to help correct the problem, but before getting to this point I recommend going through a few weeks of glute activation to make sure that you are able to squat with proper form using full range of motion.

You can see my previous videos on glute activation here:
Bootybuilding – How to Build an Amazing Glutes – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)

Bootybuilding – How to Build an Amazing Glutes – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)


Bootybuilding – Glutes Activation 3/4 (Dominant Quads)

Looking to put some “junk in your trunk”, or blast past your personal best in squats? You’ve come to the right place!


Poor genetics is not the major cause of a “flat bottom”. It is MOSTLY (believe it, or not) the result of an unfavorable position of the pelvis and spine. I have yet to find a human being that hasn’t been crippled by an irreversible accident that has not been capable of building a nice, round ass.

Please refer to my previous video where we use a simple squat test in order to observe the glutes:

Glutes Activation Test (Bootybuilding)

If dominant quadriceps is a problem for you then this will give you a push in the right direction.

Just to reiterate my previous post…

If you don’t use your glutes on a regular basis then they are likely to be asleep. If you sit down for most of the day this is more than likely to be the case.

Nonactivated glutes can cause hip & knee problems, foot problems, upper & lower back pain, migraines, kyphosis, misalignment of the pelvis, a “flat bottom,” etc., so don’t think of this as something that is only for people that train. If you have any of the aforementioned problems it is probably because you DON’T train.

If you DO train and have wondered why you can’t squat properly then sorting your glutes out will improve everything from squats to bench presses, so it is definitely worth some attention!

If you have any further questions feel free to comment, or inbox me for more confidentiality, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Tay Gabbidon
Personal Trainer & Nutrition Therapist
Oxford, England