Decline push-ups can be used to develop the upper pectorals, anterior deltoids and triceps muscles. Watch the video below to learn how to progress decline push-ups from a beginners into an advanced move.
Main Muscles: Upper pectorals, anterior deltoids, triceps
Key Points:
Keep your back straight and core tight
Your hands should be flat on the floor and just outside of your nipple line
Elevate your feet, or thighs onto a chair, or box, so that you are facing down in a declined position
Lower your chest to the floor and squeeze your pecs when driving yourself upwards
Doing squats with a resistance band engages the muscles differently than with weights in the sense that the band produces more resistance as it continues stretch. With weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, the resistance remains the same throughout the repetition because you only have to work against gravity.
Jumping squats are one of the most effective ways to unlock fast-twitch muscle fibers and create explosive power in the legs. Best worked in at the end of a legs sessions as your very last exercise.
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