Double Sit-Up Toss
Main Muscles: Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis
Key Points:
– Try to get the balance between your upper and lower body through your center of gravity
– Hold the medicine ball in front of your chest with both hands
– Keep your chest high and core tight
– Simultaneously lift your knees towards your chest while performing a sit-up
– Toss the ball towards the ceiling while keeping your feet off the floor
– Catch and repeat

Hanging Leg Raises with Stability Ball (Twisting)
Main Muscles: Obliques
Key Points:
– Take a wide grip on the pull up bar
– Hold the ball tightly between your ankles
– Swing your legs upwards while twisting to alternate sides
– Train both sides evenly

Single Arm Overhead KB Box Step-Up

Bird Dog

Pallof Press
This is a beginner’s exercise that will help create stability within the inner core and strengthen the muscles that support the spine. The further the resistance band stretches the greater the resistance, so it might take a moment to find your “sweet spot.” Be sure to keep your navel pulled in towards your spine throughout the entire movement.
Main Muscles Worked:
Inner Core
Pelvic Floor
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