Single Arm Row with Resistance Band

Single Arm Row with Resistance Band

Switch up your single arm row with a resistance band instead of using dumbbells or cables in order to add a new dynamic to your load of resistance!

Main Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoids, Biceps

Key Points:

  • Attach the band to a stable apparatus
  • Keep your chest high, back straight and shoulders back
  • Take a square stance and hold the band with your arm extended
  • Pull towards your waist while twisting your torso
  • Use a slow, controlled movement when returning your arm back into the extended position
  • Use full range of motion
  • Train both sides evenly


Skydivers: Exercise for Posture

Skydivers: Exercise for Posture


The skydiver is a great exercise for posture that will engage the lats, upper back, and muscles that maintain the integrity of shape in the spinal column.

Targeted Muscles: Posterior Postural Group

Key Points:

  • Lay face down on the floor with your arms by your sides and palms facing the ceiling
  • Lift your chest off the floor, arching your back as much as possible
  • Bring your hands up, drive them upwards and squeeze your shoulder blades together
  • Release and repeat
  • Use full range of motion


Bent Over Double Cable Row with External Rotation

Bent Over Double Cable Row with External Rotation


Bent over rows will add density to your body frame and will also improve the v-shape in one’s back (helping the waist to look smaller in cirucmference).

Main Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoids, Biceps

Key Points:

– Push your ass out and bend forward about 10° while keeping your chest high and back arched 

– Begin with a pronated grip (palms down) and rotate into a neutral grip (palms facing inward) as your row

– Row towards your waist

– Use full range of motion